Infertility at Ojas

Incidence of infertility is increasing day by day in India. The reason might be increased age of marriage, unhealthy lifestyle, day-by-day increasing stress leading to loss of mental peace, decreased frequency of intercourse, increased incidence of substance abuse like smoking, alcohol, etc. We, at Ojas hospital are here to help such couples to achieve their dream of parenthood in all possible ways.
What is Infertility?
If a couple is trying to conceive and not able to achieve pregnancy even after 12 months of routine intercourse, it is called infertility.
What are causes of Infertility?
Infertility may be due to multiple factors. Major causes of infertility can be divided under following heads.
Female Factor:
- Ovulatory Disturbances
- Uterine Fibroid, Adenomyosis
- Tubal Factor
- Endometriosis
Male Factor:
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Problems in sperm count like Asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, azoospermia.
- Other metabolic factors like diabetes, hypertension.
Unexplained Infertility:
In some couples, there is no any obvious cause for infertility but still couple is not able to conceive naturally. Almost 30% of infertile couples have unexplained infertility.
At Ojas hospital and fertility centre, we provide state of the art treatment to infertile couple.
It starts from primary investigation like CBC, TSH, prolactin, baseline USG and Semen analysis of husband.
Once primary investigation is done, we may be able to diagnose the problem like is there any ovulatory problem or any other structural issue like fibroid uterus or adenomyosis or problem in semen analysis.
Depending upon problem identified, we start with the treatment.

Treatment Options for Infertility couple
Ovulation Monitoring and Timed Intercourse:
This is basic treatment to be started if no any major problem is identified. Ovulation monitoring is started from day 2 of periods. Periodic USG is done to track ovulation of woman and timed intercourse is suggested to couple.
Ovulation Induction, Ovulation Monitoring & IUI:
Intra Uterine Insertion is the next step in the treatment of infertility. IUI is suggested in following situation:
- If couple not able to conceive with timed intercourse.
- If husband having low sperm count (Asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, azoospermia)
- If there is problem in sexual intercourse like Erectile Dysfunction, Vaginismus, etc.
Ovulation Monitoring and Timed Intercourse:
This is basic treatment to be started if no any major problem is identified. Ovulation monitoring is started from day 2 of periods. Periodic USG is done to track ovulation of woman and timed intercourse is suggested to couple.
Ovulation Induction, Ovulation Monitoring & IUI:
Intra Uterine Insertion is the next step in the treatment of infertility. IUI is suggested in following situation:
- If couple not able to conceive with timed intercourse.
- If husband having low sperm count (Asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia, azoospermia)
- If there is problem in sexual intercourse like Erectile Dysfunction, Vaginismus, etc.
Call Us Today for Consultations
Haweli, 730/01, Plot No. 2, Bakori Road, Opp BJS Foundation Wagholi, Tal, Dist, Pune-412207